Instructor Company LTD is a small company providing education and
training for professionals in the construction business and in the fire safety field which includes fire- and emergency alarms.
We are a small company, but our aspirations are big, we train our
customers according to their needs and recuirements.
We train Your staff the parts that are needed by requirements for a specific skill, but many times the requirements state that the students must learn things that are totally irrelevant for the work they are supposed to do in the future.
We teach, when ever possible, out of our own experience, we will actually at this moment give You two versions of one requirement, how it is stated but then You will also be given a pesonal view on the subject, if we feel that a better and safer approach is possible.
Then it is up to the grown up professional workers to deside which work practice is preferable. If this kind of personal wiev is presented it is never in conflict with the laws or statutes.
Many of our training can be adapted to Your uniqe recuirements which You may have in Your field of business. Or it might also be adapted in the way that we come to Your location, in Your home country, and do the training there which can be easier and cheaper to perform before the workforce is disperced to several location in the new country.
Please contact us and let us show You what we can do.
Both the PowerPoint and the students copy are mostly produced by our selfs. The different languages are copyed right throug, therefore some participants might also be able to follow a lecture even if he has a poor language skill in that specific language. Please send us a mail and we will explain more how Your staff can benefit from this.
Instructor Company Limited Hong Kong
Central Tower 28, floor 20
Queen Road, Central
Hong Kong
(+852) 530 00 69 25
Instructor Company London UK
(+44) 744 846 74 56
Instructor Company Budapest HU
(+36) 1 872 65 99
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