

All training in swedish is performed by our partner CustoSafe AB. Please go to their homepage and find more information there.





China and Hong Kong

Check availability for our training on site

in mainland China and Hong Kong.


中 国 和 香 港



EU and Europe

Check availability for our training on site in EU and other parts of Europe except for Scandinavia.


We are here to help you with your training need if you are going to Scandinavia for work. Work practices differ from country to country but some basic rules are common, but there is huge diffrencies when it comes to work safety and work environment between Asian and European and Scandinavian countrys.


Where do You want your training to take place. We can arrange Your training at Your place, in Your country or whereever You may wish.


We can provide our own training material in several languages, but basicly our languages are english and putonghua.



We train professionals, for safe work practices and a good working environment. Construction work in Europe requires that the work force has a lot of certifications, proof of experience and documented skills. Many operations can not be commenced prior to training or information, if the work is done regardless most countrys have implemented sanction fees which construction companys must pay if the safety rules are not followed. This can be very costly.


The usual pre fabricated scaffold where the top platform is located at maximum 9m.

Erecting a small scaffold as this without training is a violation of the safety regulations which can be subject to a sanction fee.

If the scaffold has safety issues it might lead to sanctions fees up to US$ 45.000.





Silica dust has come to the attention of the work environment authority again after it had been an almost forgotten issue for years. Now the recuirements on safe work practices and safety planning is enforced vigorously since spring 2017. Silica and stone dust is present everywhere in the construction business and the awarness of the dangers with dust must increase.





This one day training deals with the usual mobile work platforms we find all over the world. We will go through the scissorlift, the boom lift in its variants and also the towed boom lift with supporting legs.

The training consists of both theory and a written test, closing with practical driving training. The practical driving part can be adapted according to previous experience.





This half or one day training deals with the hazards which are present when working with chemical products. We will concentrate on the work environment and the workers will learn how to read a safety data sheet, to discover the hazards but most important, what to do to protect themselfs. This often means finding the information about the protective gear that has to be worn for safe work..


Need no presentation, one of the most well known trainings in the construction and maintanance fields, renown all over the world. If you want to perform a Hot Work, you must have a permit, otherwise your insurance cover is less than it should be. Most companys do not allow their contractors do any Hot Work before both the operator and the fire watch have valid certificates. But a permit issuer is also needed, we will go trough the whole organisation needed.





All workers must be secured when working at heights over two meters. But the full body harness is just a last choice solution, collective fall protection is allways first hand choice when there is a risk of falling.

The full body harness will most of times save you from getting injured or killed in a falling accident, but most people are not aware of the danger they are in if they have not taken any precausions, as how to really get down if they fall and are subject to suspension trauma.





We will go trough the safety issues involved if You will take part in a lifting operation as a signalman or a rigger.

Daily chek up of the lifting equipment must be done but most of all we will focus on the awareness of the limitations the different equipment has. We will go through one load chart and how its used, if You know how one chart works you will be able to use the charts for other products as well. Most importent though, you must be able to judge when its time to stop a operation that you feel has gone out of bounds.




A training in Fire Alarm might include many different requirements and fields. One is the standards that apply for each country and how a Fire Alarm is planned, installed, documented and maintained. It might also be focused more on the organisation surrounding the Fire Safety on the work sitw which also include the Fire Alarm system.

This training is all about the requirements the client has, please contact us for further information.



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(+44) 744 846 74 56



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(+36) 1 872 65 99


Instructor Company Limited Hong Kong

Central Tower 28, floor 20

Queen Road, Central

Hong Kong


(+852) 530 00 69 25


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